FY 2020 2021 Victims of Crime Act Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Grant Program

Interpersonal violence has long been viewed as public health issue. In order to address the devastating consequences of violence, hospitals in high-violence areas have seen tremendous success after implementing hospital-based violence intervention programs (HVIPs). The HVIP model can significantly improve patient outcomes by reducing incidents of re-injury and retaliation. Studies suggest that HVIPs can result in decreased costs associated with healthcare and criminal justice expenses.

These Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Grant Program guidelines and application procedures provide detailed guidance to aid applicants in determining eligibility, developing itemized budgets and budget narratives, and completing other related forms. Using the guidance presented in this document, applicants should be able to efficiently and effectively prepare complete applications.

With this grant program, the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) seeks to establish programs within hospitals to provide services to victims of violent crime with the goal of reducing future incidences of violence-related injuries and homicides. It is anticipated that funding will be awarded to one statewide organization to coordinate the establishment or enhancement of HVIP projects in multiple hospital locations. The recipient will coordinate all aspects of the HVIP project, including coordinating project establishment in hospitals through sub-contracts, providing orientation and training to project staff, and evaluating program implementation. In addition, the recipient will ensure that match requirements are met, VOCA reporting is completed, and project evaluation components are included. In addition to VOCA-required reporting, grant recipients will be required to provide periodic program updates, periodic evaluations of the HVIPs, and a final report on how HVIPs can be sustained in Virginia, if shown to be effective. 

Guidelines and Forms: